Child Care Reimbursement

Childcare costs are a significant concern for our employees, and OnStaff USA assists by providing reimbursement for up to $75 per month of childcare costs for eligible employees. Only one reimbursement per month for childcare is authorized under this program. Payments will be made monthly, the first or second week of the month for the prior month’s expenses. To qualify, employees must:

  • Have worked for OnStaff USA 450 hours in the past 90 days.
  • Have worked for OnStaff USA 150 hours in the calendar month just completed.
  • Presently be on an assignment with OnStaff USA.

Request forms for Childcare Reimbursement are due the 1st day of each month and must be accompanied with paid childcare invoices for that month with the total amount paid, the child/children’s name(s), the name of the Child Day Care Facility, and the Child Day Care Facility’s License Number.

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