Temporary Staffing for Retail

Temporary Staffing for Retail: Managing Seasonal Peaks and Providing Excellent Customer Service

Customer Service

Oh, the holidays! If you are in retail, you know as well as anyone that these are some of the most stressful times during the year. Retailers face arduous challenges during peak seasons, such as holidays and sales events. There is increased customer traffic, longer queues, as well as strained resources that can all lead to decreased customer satisfaction. This often leads to missed sales opportunities as well, and that is something we want to avoid! One successful solution to address these issues is temporary staffing during these seasons. 

The Challenges of Peak Seasons

During the peak seasons, everyone’s a little extra stressed. With increased customer demand, longer wait times, and overall increased business, the strain on existing staff can contribute to a decline in overall customer satisfaction. When resources are stretched thin, sales targets become further and further away. 

How Can Temporary Staffing Help

Temporary Staffing offers a flexible and scalable solution in order to manage the challenges during peak seasons and crazy schedules. This flexibility allows for scalability, can match the demands of the store, and avoids overstaffing. Temporary staffing can also help with: (Ainsworth)

  • Meeting customer service needs
  • Specialized skills
  • Increased customer satisfaction and reduced wait times
  • Ensure effective and efficient workflow during peak seasons

Heightened Customer Service with Temporary Staff

In order to ensure the most optimal temporary staff contribution to the customer experience, it is pertinent to provide thorough onboarding and training. Effective and timely communication between permanent and temporary staff are critical for maintaining a positive work environment. The goal is to work as one cohesive team, blending the two two types of employees together during the season (“How Contract Staffing Helps Manage Seasonal Workloads”).

Onboarding Aspects

All employees should have to go through some type of onboarding prior to their first day of work. Through thorough onboarding and training, clear expectations are able to be set. Product knowledge is also needed and this is a chance to familiarize temporary staff with products, brand values, and company culture. This is a fantastic time to speak on effective communication and collaboration, fostering open communication between permanent and temporary staff. This also encourages teamwork, creating a positive work environment. Along with onboarding, there should also be ongoing performance management. This helps give feedback and recognition to your employees, aiding them in the right direction if they need a little extra help, or giving props to those who stand out. Addressing issues is part of having a successful business. Take time to also ensure that all staff, both temporary and permanent, feel part of the team and valued. 

Temporary Staffing Success 

Take a look at companies such as Target, Amazon, or Best Buy. These companies have been known to use temporary staffing for high season, and have seen an overall positive experience in all areas. The influx of seasonal employees help these businesses manage increased customer traffic, restocking shelves efficiently, and provide timely assistance to customers.

Temporary staffing may be what you need in order to succeed this season. It is a valuable tool for retailers of all types and is likely to provide excellent customer service. By increasing staff levels when needed and maintaining a positive work environment, retailers are capable of enhancing the overall customer experience!

Works Cited

Ainsworth, Susan. “Same time, next year? Human resource management and seasonal workers.” Emerald, https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/00483480910943304/full/html.

“How Contract Staffing Helps Manage Seasonal Workloads.” https://vocal.media/journal/how-contract-staffing-helps-manage-seasonal-workloads.

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