Ocho formas de aumentar el poder de tu carta de presentacion
Tal como la mantequilla de maní con la mermelada o el tocino con huevos, el currículum y la carta de presentación van de la mano.
H1N1 & Flu Info – Keep Yourself Healthy!
As vaccines are introduced to patients this fall, make sure you read up on prevention and treatment of both the regular Flu (Influenza) and H1N1
Piercings, Tattoos and Mohawks at Work
Today’s workplace doesn’t look much like it did 20 or 30 years ago. Typewriters gave way to clunky PCs which are now paper-thin laptops. Perhaps
Take Note! Don’t Forget to Say “Thanks”
In a competitive job market, just one wrong move during the application process can take you out of contention for the position you seek. Not
Why Blogging Is Good For Your Career
Right now, “microblogging” is the technological term du jour. Twitter this; Twitter that. For some reason, once somebody created a Web site that told
The Worst Interview Faux Pas: Hiring managers give their worst experiences
Most job seekers have a case of the jitters before going on a job interview. Anxiety’s normal, but almost always those butterflies were in
10 Most Overused Resume Phrases
Throughout your career, you’ve accomplished many feats, exceeded several goals and mastered countless skills. Now you’re on yet another job hunt and you can’t remember
The Eight Hottest Jobs on TV
The country is virtually teeming with doctors. Hunky, single ones with witty minds and full heads of thick, shiny hair. Surely if this were actually